Sounds of Harmony

Women’s Wellness Workshop

Saturday, Feb 25, 2017

10:00am to 3:00pm

Cost is $40.00 in advance. Please RSVP soon as space is limited.

sounds of harmonyThe ancients in every culture believed in the power of sound and its link to health and life itself.  Sound reaches down and touches us at an emotional level.  We hear a song and it can immediately set us at ease, or make us anxious.  Sound therapy is the application of sound vibration with the intention of creating a state of health and harmony.

Everything on our planet and in space is vibrating. A higher vibration equates to greater health and wellbeing.  For example, our immune system can sense the invader of a cell operating at a different frequency.

At our gathering, we will focus on the power of sound, music, chanting and vibration to bring us closer to our true self.  Learn how to use sound affirmations for personal power, creativity and healing.  A day to let go of our preconceptions and explore that which can be heard and felt to our very core.

Enjoy gentle Yoga poses to increase relaxation and revitalize our bodies and minds.  A healthy and delicious lunch will be provided as we share inspiration and wisdom from each other.  As always, more surprises to come!

Confirm by e-mail, phone or text. Checks payable to the address above or PayPal.


Cost is $40.00 in advance. Please RSVP soon as space is limited.