April & May 2019

desert sunset

Dancing with Gravity in Asana

By Judith Hanson Lasater, Yoga Journal, February, 2019

assanaWhen you practice asana, you are constantly experimenting or dancing with the force of gravity and its effects on a pose. Gravity chooses which muscles are working and which are not, in each asana, and why that is. Movement literacy is a tern used on the understanding that the body is an orchestra and movements are the music it creates. When you can see, feel and understand the specifics of the body’s movements, not only do you become a better at asanas, you can eliminate the pain as you struggle into some poses.

In a pose like reclining hand to big toe pose, you will notice a stretch in your hamstrings. In this asana, relax while lying you your back and holding your foot up in the air perhaps using a strap to assist in the stretch. You are working against gravity. The hip flexors are undergoing a shortening contraction against gravity.

forward foldIn a standing forward fold, (Uttahasana) hip flexion is working with gravity. A lengthening contraction of the hip extensors occurs. The hamstrings are working with the force of gravity to let you down gradually. It is mostly the hamstrings that are controlling the assent and descent. Begin to notice in your practice which muscles are activated. This is an e\effective way to study muscle actions. It will help u appreciate how wondrously subtle and intelligent all or movements really are.

 Working Toward a Sustainable Planet

recycle bagRecycle, repurpose and rethink the items you buy. Think about buying second hand fashions. I have found it a fun outing to find unique clothes that fit me perfectly. I feel a bit guilty by the complements I receive for gems I found for under $5.00.

Tons of clothing are simply thrown in the garbage every year. Garments made with polyester can remain in landfills without decomposing for a thousand years. Make sure you donate old clothing to a good cause.

Recycle everything you can. Containers and packaging account for about 30% of total waste generated in the U.S. Cut back where you can. Use a metal water bottle and get a metal straw. Just think how much plastic we would save by just doing those two things. Scientists say that composting and planting trees can make a huge impact on combating CO2 emissions. Keep those reusable bags in your trunk and you will get in the habit of using them. Get set up to receive as much mail and receipts on line that you can. It makes them easier to organize too. Saving our planet cannot be a spectator sport. We all need to make changes, now!

desert clouds




yin yang

If you focus on results you will not change. If you focus on change, you will get results.

Jack Dixon, author